What is Totallyscience GitLab? How to use it?

What is Totallyscience GitLab? How to use it?

Totallyscience GitLab enables seamless collaboration on data, code, research outputs, and papers among research teams.

Totallyscience GitLab has all the core functionalities of GitLab for version controlling code, along with numerous additional features tailored for the needs of the scientific community. It deeply integrates with common data science and analysis tools, supports rendering scientific file formats for discussion and visualization, has powerful issue tracking features for collaboration, and more.

Key Features

Some key features of Totally Science GitLab include:

Version Control for Code & Data 

It allows creating unlimited public & private projects to store, version control, and collaborate on data and code. Integrates seamlessly with Git.

Data Science Environment 

Jupyter Notebook and RStudio editor/IDE built-in for data analysis, data visualization, and collaboration on experiments & results.

Manuscript Writing 

Has an in-built LaTeX editor for writing papers, theses, or documentation collaboratively with research teams. Renders LaTeX outputs online for live preview.

Storage & Large File Support 

Generous storage limits, support for large files like genomic data, automated data compression, partial clone support, and more.

Visualization & Rendering 

Supports rendering images, 3D models, CAD designs, PDF documents, Markdown files, Jupyter Notebooks, and hundreds of other scientific file formats online for live discussion and analysis.

Flexible Access Control and Security 

Fine grained access control to projects/experiments/data, secure HTTPS connections, regular encrypted backups, and advanced security against data leaks.

Using Totally Science GitLab

As a web-based platform, Totally Science GitLab allows quick and easy onboarding. Follow these steps to get started:

Sign Up 

Go to gitlab.com and sign up for a free account. 

Create a Project 

Once signed in, create a new project for your experiment, paper, dataset, model, analysis etc. Give it an intuitive title and description.

Invite Collaborators

On the project page, go to project access settings and invite other researchers/collaborators by entering their usernames or email addresses. Configure access levels from Reporter to Maintainer as suitable.

Upload Code & Data 

Drag and drop code files, data CSVs, datasets, images, Jupyter notebooks or any other files related to your project using the web interface or Git CLI.

Discuss & Track Progress 

As work happens on the project, use issue tracking to discuss progress, add todo lists, fix bugs, get feedback and more. Issues support rich formatting, labels, milestones and assignments.

Analyze Data & Results 

For data analysis needs, launch the integrated Jupyter notebook or RStudio environment with access to uploaded datasets and files. Analyze results visually & collaboratively.

Write Manuscripts & Papers 

Use the integrated LaTeX editor for writing manuscripts. Invite co-authors as collaborators, discuss changes in issues, render LaTeX docs live for rapid previewing.

With these basics, you can sign up on Totally Science GitLab and leverage its immense capabilities for scientific collaboration and research. Discover more powerful features as you go along!


In conclusion, Totally Science GitLab is a game changing platform tailored for the collaboration needs of scientists and takes the best parts of GitLab’s version control and project management capabilities to the next level with deep support for scientific data and file formats. It enables frictionless teamwork on experiments, analyses, papers and more. So sign up today and turbo-charge your research!


What file formats does Totally Science GitLab support?

It has native support for rendering hundreds of domain-specific scientific formats like Jupyter notebooks, R data frames, STL models, FITS images, LaTeX documents, BLAST genomic outputs and many more right on the web interface to promote collaboration.

Does Totally Science GitLab also offer private repos?

Yes, it allows creating unlimited private projects with fine-grained access control to store confidential data or unpublished research securely until ready for public release.

What integrations does Totally Science GitLab have for data science?

It offers tight integrations with Python, R, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, MATLAB, Mathematica, OpenCV, TensorFlow and other libraries/frameworks commonly used in scientific data analysis, machine learning and visualization.


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